Son of a BITCH

Oct 19, 2009 23:54

I was just answering mediaville's little survey and it took me 20 minutes because I was being SO VERY CLEVER (I assure you) and then LJ ate it.


It's too late now to try again, but the good news is that I was about to somehow bleed out 6k of this random fic that ATE MY MIND for 48 hours solid.

But it's DONE now and I can be human again instead of this mindless want to finish this fic so that I can get back to all the OTHER things I'm supposed to be writing.

And it's midnight. And I'm going to bed.

<33 you all.

(Also thepodsquad is AMAZING and made the best manip icon EVER. They NATURALLY sleep on the right sides to sleep in the same bed. This is just an EXAMPLE of that.)


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