I look forward to the day when I will no longer be gross

Oct 15, 2009 21:26

Between the cold and the onset of my period I feel like I am in quite a shabby state. If I'm not blowing my nose, I'm cramping. If I'm not cramping, I am becoming aware of a pimple. If I'm not discovering a pimple, I'm bloated. If I'm not bloated, I am coughing. If I'm not coughing, I am blowing my nose. It never ends. I feel like I need to go straight from a mikvah into a sauna, and then a mud bath, then a shower followed by a harsh towel scrubbing.

It's less then awesome.

In my state of disrepair I've been neglecting my moderator duties with jonas_harlequin. I need to make a "Hey, last call post" in the communities, and then claim a prompt for myself. And the brainstorm an idea to help every stay excited and follow through. (Awards? A chance to post snippets? I don't know. :( In a Big Bang the excitement is usually added by the addition of an artist...)

Instead, I've been indulging in my Kevron dependency. Oh Kevron. You are always sunshine and puppies. Surely you'll all forgive me? Can't you see why I needed to hide in a world of denial? A world where Zac Efron doesn't mind if you're lame and out of shape?

In other news, work is lame, emotional stress is lame, chores are lame, eating right is lame, resting constantly is lame. One of the few things that is NOT lame is you, my dear flist. Also Joe and Nick. And chocolate. And the fact that tomorrow is Friday.

ranting, wanna hear me talk about the jonas bros?

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