It feels like me head is going to have a baby...

Aug 20, 2009 08:14


I spent last night mostly sleeping. From about 9pm to 6:30am actually. With maybe and hour break in between and a lot of snooze button pushing from 5:30am to 6:30am. Do I feel rested?

::sighs:: No.

Instead of feeling bright and sunshine-y, I have a headache. And a massive case of sour puss. I've been taking Aleve for the past four days straight so I'm going to try to tough it out until this evening when I can medicate with booze instead.

My Vice Prez is out for the day equaling a slight decrease in motivation. I'm hoping the internet is not as dead today as it was yesterday. Entertaaaaaain me? Or... ask me to entertain you? I'm definitely good for some ranting and raving about the subject of your choice.

I already did the "5 Things" meme, so I don't have that as easy ploy for attention. I will hunt one up if necessary. And put it in sparkle text. Don't make me do that!

migraines, unfortunately i work for a living, straight up blather

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