It's it karma or prophecy?

Jun 23, 2009 20:26

I skived off work today, only a half hour. Basically, we had a meeting and I decided "You know what? I'm not gonna recapture my focus here, fuck it ( Read more... )

migraines, oh miley cyrus

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misskittye June 24 2009, 02:31:01 UTC
And that's fine. Liking it doesn't make her a slut, it doesn't mean she's not actually a virgin. I feel like that's what she (and Disney) are trying to deny every time they insist that Miley had no idea that posing this way or that could be taking the wrong way. But it doesn't mean she's anything than a girl that gets a kick out of seeing a pic that makes her look/feel sexy. That's normal enough.

I'm not against Nick and Miley. I'm far more for them than I thought I would be actually. They just make me uncomfortable in part because I'm still getting over my own experiences with a fierce and overwhelming first love. They're feeling big, huge, crazy feelings, and they're probably making big, huge, crazy promises, but they're 16 and in love! It's what you're supposed to do. It'll be sad when and if it doesn't work out. True, I'm being pessimistic and I'm definitely projecting my own issues, but that's just how I work.

I actually wish that they could be more private, Nick and Miley. That she were less open, and they were allowed more privacy simply because I'd rather not know and worry needlessly at them. I don't really enjoy most gossip, because I tend to mother them. And want happy endings. Though. I do admit I find Joe's recent "fuck yous" to Taylor, pretty amusing. So. Six of one, half a dozen of the other.

I suppose I am judging Miley for my perceived notion that she isn't owning up to something and my assumptions as to why. But I'm not judging her morality, or goodness. But I just don't enjoy the tongue-in-cheek aspect of these incidents.

Anyway, thanks for spurring the discussion on. The distraction is helping me feel a little better.


onelittlesleep June 24 2009, 02:44:16 UTC
Though. I do admit I find Joe's recent "fuck yous" to Taylor, pretty amusing.

I felt really weirded out by the double-standard that made Taylor's exposure of their breakup (which she really cashed in on) GIRL-POWER, but made Joe Jonas a PARIAH whose only option was to SHUT-UP and take it. I don't know, he was obviously a jackass to her, but it takes two people to be in a relationship and he played good for SO LONG while she just KEPT TALKING ABOUT IT, cracking jokes about it, writing songs about it and getting patted on the back for 'standing up for herself'.


NOW. That stupid Poison Ivy song, I kind of have a problem with. I laugh, but man. REALLY? Does this BOY BAND (whose audience is made up of 99.99% young women) REALLY NEED to write a song about girls who are BITCHES? Bitch is a gender-specific insult word that these young women fans might think is CUTE to hear their FAVORITE BOYS hinting at, but uhhhh. That's probably going to be the worst thing someone will call them in their lives. And they WILL be called that, because thats what happens when you're a girl. So I'm just a little sad that THAT'S the swear word these boys dabble in when they're trying to stretch their little Disney-nice image. UGH.


misskittye June 24 2009, 02:55:24 UTC
Hmmmmm, to be honest, the JoBros have always kind of struck me as TERRIBLE BOYFRIENDS. They make ridiculous promises, and then they apologize for breaking them in a sort of "Well, it couldn't be helped" way, and then they write a meaner spirited song when the girl doesn't forgive them.

I mean, they've been called on it before, but they do NOT have a very sophisticated take on the opposite sex. Hence them saying, over and freakin' over, that they like a girl that puts effort into her appearance.

Now. The thing about it is, I'm hesitant to blame them for this because I am a wild favortist but also, Joe said on Larry King Live that he put his purity ring on at 11. ELEVEN. How can an ELEVEN year old make an informed choice about his sexuality? And their mom talks about them being seduced, and other examples of just plain old blah cakes. So I blame their parents.

I just. I want them to read a freaking book. And talk to people who aren't their parents. Or people approved by their parents.


tea_biscuit June 28 2009, 17:01:57 UTC
Oh, THANK GOD, I'm not the only one who thinks the boys (as much as I am endeared by them) are terrible boyfriends. They do make a lot of lofty promises that they are unable to/unwilling to keep. And their whole Mama Jonas belief that they are unsuspecting Adams seduced by the wily, soft-bodied Eves of the world. It's such a pitifully unsophisticated, Victorian view of women, and it pains me that they are being raised to see things this way. GAH! CURSE YOU MAMA and PAPA JONAS! AND DISNEY! They do need to sit down and read some books. Hell, they need to hang out with girls who aren't Ma and Pa approved; REGULAR girls who don't always smell of flowers and look like they wake up prettily dressed, hair and makeup fresh and dewy. It's not how we roll! Sometimes our hair looks a little busted and we like to walk around in sweatpants and sweatshirts. Whatever. They need to step outside the bubble they're encased in and SEE the world, EXPERIENCE real people and the real world. Not the cotton candy, rainbows, and sunshine snowglobe Disney and their parents have built around them. It's really quite sad.

And Joe and his purity ring at 11. What on EARTH does an ELEVEN YEAR OLD BOY know about purity rings, and what that kind of promise really means? The boys are growing up sexually--and socially--illiterate. No wonder they make such terrible boyfriends. They literally do not know what to do with themselves or females/males (that's my gay-love bias there). Blah cakes, indeed, Mama Jonas. Blah cakes indeed. I ACHE for the day they break free of their parents and the Eye of Sauron that is Disney Corp.


Have I gone too far? It truly is a topic I've been dying to discuss with others who GET IT, you know? I worry for them, I do.


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onelittlesleep June 24 2009, 03:00:14 UTC
I think it's just so WEIRD how Disney acts about these things. They clearly sexualize their stars, or at least turn a blind eye to some of the sexualization. But one of them takes a picture that was intended to stay private, and everyone has a shit fit and we need to take care of it NOW NOT LATER.


They are totally SELLING us this 16-year-old in a way that isn't...TOTALLY INNOCENT. I mean, I know it's Rolling Stone, but I do NOT believe that HIS MOTHER and Disney did NOT have to sign off on that. He's 16! I just think that that's PROVOCATIVE. It's a HOT TEEN IDOL picture. I don't know! But I'm just saying, yeah. I agree with what you said there. And like, they're already kind of screwed to begin with, being SOLD like goods by Disney.


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onelittlesleep June 24 2009, 03:03:57 UTC
OH YEAH, well that's the DOUBLE-STANDARD at work, right? They can say "OH, THESE BOYS!" but Miley Cyrus is a GIRL and should act like a LADY. UGH. Navigating through your teenage years and the development of your sexuality WITHOUT developing some nasty internalized issues with your femininehood is basically IMPOSSIBLE.


misskittye June 24 2009, 03:06:54 UTC
Well hey now, Jonai got called on it for the splooging. By South Park and not a news media outlet yeah, but still.

Miley is just hands down more famous than the Jonai so it gets out faster and the outrage is more extreme.

The chair straddling is very mild and by no means scandalous, I agree with you, but the defense of it can go too far as it did with her Vanity Fair shot, I think. You can deny splooging white liquid on fans raises an eyebrow and so does straddling a chair with tousled hair and a pout.

::shrugs:: No harm no foul on either of them. But no one ever rushed to defend the boys for their antics. If Disney would just not insist on apologies or defenses, maybe people would stop noticing?

I dunno.


misskittye June 24 2009, 03:15:43 UTC
I mean, Disney is so full of shit I thought it was a universally accepted truth! Good wholesome fun, indeed.

They show Joe shirtless in the vid with a long, loving shot of him REMOVING HIS BELT, and then include a milk spit take that leaves Joe with little beads of white liquid all the fuck over his face in their kids show, and then approve that up there.

It's what they do, and I sort of call everyone involved on the hypocrisy. Disney, the boys, Miley, their parents, the parents of the children watching. The wrongness of it, for all parties, is offset by the money and thirty minutes of peace while Jr. and Princess stare at the TV.

I don't... want to censor it necessarily, but I wish it wasn't all wrapped up in false trappings of the ultimate get out of jail free card: virginity. It puts a lot of pressure on kids that I'd rather they didn't have to deal with. The boys, Miley, and everyday kids who don't know which way is up thanks to the confused morality they're being sold with their teen idols...

::laughs:: It's getting late and my head is still kinda spinning from the vertigo. I don't think I'm going to make sense talking about this. I'm sorry! Ignore me!


mangojellytoast June 24 2009, 06:43:00 UTC
They show Joe shirtless in the vid with a long, loving shot of him REMOVING HIS BELT

Okay, how inappropriate would it be for me to crash this very important and valid serioustimes discussion to ask what video this is?


misskittye June 24 2009, 12:10:43 UTC - why it would be THIS video, at 5:50. Bonus (or warning) Kevin shirtlessness.


mangojellytoast June 24 2009, 15:45:38 UTC
Oh duhh, I've only seen that like 80 times. I forgot about the belt removal.


misskittye June 24 2009, 16:01:15 UTC
::laughs:: I have an eye for details.

Also, if that doesn't typify the "oops" style sexuality of Disney I don't know what does.


mangojellytoast June 24 2009, 16:10:07 UTC
Oh yeah, definitely. If you watch what's going on, it's pretty clear that this was staged and no one was actually surprised that the camera was there. Watch Fe, in particular, she knows the whole time. And obviously it made the cut into the film, so of course it's not like anyone REALLY objected.

Sometimes I honestly wonder if the boys' easy open affection with each other is a part of why they landed a Disney contract. Like, obviously looks play a big part in this stuff, but their being so loving and touching with each other on top of just their looks... that must have been a part of the appeal to the Disney execs. It's just so much easier to market someone like Joe who just naturally exudes sensuality and er... tactility? in that "oops" way.


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