Jan 23, 2009 10:14
Yesterday was my birthday. I had to work, but luckily they give you a birthday holiday and I got to take mine today so "Yay! Three day weekend!"
The day started early with Kate calling me at 6:30 from Japan to wish me happy birthday. Got ready, went to work, work was busy, but whatever. My momma called me, too. A hottie that used to work with me texted me happy birthday which was a nice surprise. Lesa wished me happy birthday on LJ, too, and wendy got me a virtual cupcake! My friend and work got me multicolored pushpins and earrings for my birthday which was super cute! My sister and nephew also called me and left a really, sweet message.
After work I went to a bar close by work that I'd never been too and it was actually kind of a hip, sophisticated little place. I admit to be a little miffed the my supervisor didn't come, without giving much of a reason, but it was a good little crowd. Enough that only half of them buying me a drink resulted in getting pretty tipsy.
Dennis and Resa came, too, and after having one of THE best shots of vodka I've ever had (It was Snow Queen" from Kazakhstan, delicious), we went to get Indian food.
It was delicious. I tried a bunch of stuff I've never tried before, like Dal Makhni, which I have to say, would have been great on tortilla chips, as well as a rice pudding that I actually enjoyed. Unfortunately, it wasn't a buffet, which made me sad. I miss India Palace sometimes. ::sigh!::
I did, unfortunately, miss Supernatural, but I'm buying it on iTunes. I sort of figured that the episode I finally missed would be the episode that was a good one. Ah well!
I should have made this post last night to thank everybody, but I was so tired. My body's birthday gift to me was to get my period the morning of my birthday. I slept... 10, 11 hours? It was glorious.
Anyway, today I'm planning to write as much as humanly possible and relax as much as humanly possible and maybe Saturday I'll got out for some shenanigans, but we'll see.
i do stuff