Playing TS2 again

Jan 09, 2012 00:57

Inspired by the awesome lilith_sims I've decided to get back on TS2, clean my bug and hack ridden downloads folder and get a fresh start, I've been absent for a while and I no longer know where to get stuff from, besides the obvious sources, since most of the sites I used to go are down, so if any of you have any good sites from where to get cool CC please let me know.
I've been toying with the idea of starting a TS2 legacy, since I like reading them just as much as TS3 I'll probably do it in the near future, Of course that doesn't mean I'll stop playing TS3 I love it and I've come to appreciate all its annoying little flaws.

I've been fiddling with making sims I missed all the pretty make up *-* but I'm waay to used to the camera mode of TS3, it feels a bit more stiff and less fluid on TS2 but I'll probably get used to it.

sims2, ramdom pics

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