(no subject)

Mar 21, 2006 12:51

So my dad finally decided that retirement is nothing to write home about and got a job doing what he's always wanted to do: selling cars. Unfortunately, he forgot to factor in the one aspect of having a job that isn't as fun as watching a ridiculously large LCD tv all day: actually working.

I've been getting tons of frantic calls from him lately, where he talks for about 20 minutes about how hard it is to work again.

"It's like...they want me to work 50 hours this week--how do I do that?? And I don't even have my own office or anything. Kate, I have to wake up at 7am EVERY DAY. Do you know what that is like?? I didn't even know what 7 in the morning looked like until a month ago. It's really a strange part of the day."

It's like the idea of having to miss Shipmates or Blind Date every day is slowly making the man retarded. For example, the last time I went over to his apartment, he answered the door in an orange sweater and boxers, and then proceeded to play the same episodes of Jay Leno and Austin City Limits (that he has played the past 4 mandatory visits) in which the band Coldplay plays the same 3 songs, the whole time saying things like,

"Can you believe this sound system?? It's BOSE. I mean, listen to the sound on that."


"Look at that picture--could you believe how sharp it is?? Look at that picture."


"Chris Martin's really a great performer..just a great performer. You should have seen them in Darien Lake with me. He ran across the stadium!"

It's as nauseating as sitting in my fine arts class and hearing my professor say "Add the smaller objects last; it's like adding spice to the soup" every single 5 minutes, or listening to my old Egyptian hon. chem professor talk about his bladder tumors and relating everything to baking a cake or billiards.

Why am I posting this?

I just saw some double stuff Oreos in the kitchen; I'm going to indulge.

ps- spring break is going really well so far--I've seen so many great people, some of which (derek, riki, jess) I haven't seen in over a year. so balls to you, buff state.

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