Dean/Cas "Slept So Long" (another vid preview)

Jun 19, 2010 17:52

...A look at that angsty AU video I've been working on

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cookies too anyone who can tell me the story up to the point that it ends (unless of course I've already told you, in which case, that's just cheating =P)...

seriously, someone please get it right, and let me know that I'm actually achieving the coherent story I THOUGHT I was, BEFORE I showed it to my mom, and she claimed that all she got from it was "Cas got shot, and they were mad" *facepalm*)

... I will of course have a rundown of the story posted with the finished product, as I know not EVERYTHING can get across in the video... But I thought the beginning at least was understandable... please tell me I'm right? Pretty please?

.ship: addicted to dean/castiel, i procrastinate creatively, .fandom: supernatural, .fanvid

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