Jun 03, 2010 11:16

So, the AC for upstairs was supposedly fixed on Friday... Only a few hours after the guys left- and a few hours too late to make them come back and fix whatever they did wrong- it started blowing hot air. My mom and I were up till nearly 3 am waiting to see if it would start cooling again. Never did. Thanks to the holiday- why does shit never work around holidays, when there's no one to fix it?- we weren't able to call anyone about it till tuesday... then they said it would be thursday before they got anyone out here to do anything about it.

Thankfully, the guy got here early, and the AC is now running fine, and my god, I am going to enjoy being able to sleep in my bed again. Been sleeping downstairs since Friday, and my back hates me for it. Damn couches aren't good for sleeping on. And apparently I've been keeping my mom up by talking in my sleep. This is probably not a good thing, since for the past couple of nights, I've been having SPN related dreams, and I think if I managed to mutter Dean or Cas, or Sam in my sleep, I've sealed my fate as appearing obsessed and insane in my mother's opinion...Though at least they were all Hunting dreams, and I likely didn't say anything really embarrassing... Though I know from past experience that when you start going on about guns, ammo, being out of ammo, and 'we need to barricade the doors, or the zombies will get in! oh my god, they killed Chris!' it doesn't exactly make people think you're entirely sane... Ah, Resident Evil fandom dreams, how I miss you...

The fridge should have been here on tuesday, but thanks to royal fuck-ups from just about everyone, it won't be here till tomorrow morning. I'm really freaking tired of lugging home bags of ice.

On a better note, I got to try out Red Dead Redemption on Sunday. I didn't get very far, because I'm easily distracted, and I spent more time riding around the country side and hunting, rather than sticking to the missions... But hey, I had a shitload of money by the time I was done, so that's a plus. My dad took it with him when he left though, as he hasn't finished it yet, so I won't get it back until he comes home... which could be in another week, or it could be another month. This sucks, because every game I have here, I've either finished a dozen times, or I have no interest in... Or in the case of Dead Space, I just haven't been in the mood for.

And an even better note, I have a new book supposed to be arriving on the 7th, the supposed final book in a series I've been reading. Been waiting for this one for about a year now- and it was actually released early. I'll prolly write up a rec post or something for the series later, because it seriously needs a fandom, like whoah.

The ultra-downside to all of the above? I haven't written shit in a week, because it's been so hot that I've barely managed to be on my computer long enough to check my messages, and respond to them. (I could have taken the computer downstairs, but I knew the AC would be getting fixed at SOME point this week, and I hate moving things.) but now I have cool air up here, by god I am going to write like my life depends on it.

nonsense things, shit no one cares about, fuck this shit, life what life?, .fandom: misc

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