the mystery turd

Aug 07, 2016 20:45

There may, or may not, be a random Jason turd somewhere in my house.

Quinn has the potty training thing licked. I'm almost ready to put him in undies full time.

Jason, on the other hand, is dragging his feet.

Today, Jason pulled his pants off and went pee in the potty chair -- and I was thrilled! No prompting!
A half hour later, I catch a glimpse of his butthole as he's rolling around (with no pants on) and it has that distinct 'I've pooped and haven't wiped' look to it.
I panic. I ask him where he pooped and he says on the potty. I have not heard the toilet flush at all. I check the potty chair, nothing. I scan all the floors -- nothing. I've looked under pillows, and by toys -- and still, nothing. So....where did the poop go?
Did the dog eat it? Did he stuff it into a drawer someplace? Ugh....
Am I going to find it in some random corner in couple days and groan?

Ew. This portion of child rearing can be over any time now, thank you.

twins, wtf

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