'Verse: Harry Potter; Table: Unthemed 5; Prompt: Return

May 03, 2012 18:33

Title: Natural Progression
Author: potion_lady
'Verse: Harry Potter
Character(s): Severus, Harry
Rating: G
Word Count: 3 x 100
Warning(s): None
Disclaimer: Harry Potter is the property of J.K. Rowling and her publishers. The author of this work receives no profit from it. No copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
Summary: Things are slowly moving forward…
A/N: This is written for snarry100’s prompt #315 - Natural. It also goes toward my mission_insane Un-Themed 5 table, using prompt #9 - Return. This is still a continuation of my last few drabbles, in order here:
Detentions and Maturity, Legilimency Lessons, Wait, What?, and Things Come Undone

Natural Progression


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