Supernatural; General - Inspired by Songs - Prompt 3

May 02, 2012 23:27

Title: Maelstrom
'Verse: Supernatural
Characters/Pairing: Castiel/Dean, Jo, mentions of Sam and Lisa.
Rating: R for non-descriptive slash
Length/format: 6,9k  / oneshot
Warnings: No spoilers. Slash. Genderbending.
Disclaimer: I don't even own the sweater on my back. The characters and ideas belong to Kripke, etc.

Summary: Dean owns an estate but he doesn’t have time to take care of his deceased wife’s child when his brother Sam has to move away to the city. He therefore hires a governess named Castiel-unaware of the secret he hides.
Table/Prompt: Inspired by songs - Prompt 3 - 'Undisclosed Desires' by Muse [master table here]

Notes: beta'd by
kimberlelly. Governess!AU that was originally meant to be Jane Eyre!AU - but then I got lazy and forgot to put in Jane Eyre elements. If you squint, you might see them. ;) No real smut because olden time novels were classy like that, heh.

Read it HERE


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