Title Sunrise Sunset
Author Rory
'Verse CSI:NY
Claim/Characters/Pairing (whatever applies) CSI:NY general
Rating PG13
Warnings (inc. Spoilers) none
Disclaimer I don't own them
Summary Danny and Lindsay watch the sunrise
Table/Prompt size matters/drabble
Danny wasn’t really the kind of guy who’d spent much time sitting around in the mornings and watching the sunrise with the girl he’d spent the night with. He wasn’t that kind of guy at all, at least not until he met a certain girl from Montana. Lindsay loved the sunrise, she would pull the blankets off of the bed, grab a cup of coffee and sit at the window to watch. Danny followed her dutifully like her little puppy dog, pulling her into his lap. He watched the sun rise with her, shining gold against her hair and skin.