Dec 06, 2009 10:42
not sure how many of my flist knows but the last job i held was cash register jockey at a porn shop. oh the stories and adventures and some horrors i saw.
so every once in awhile i'm gonna write them down. they'll prolly fall under the random posts area but some i'm hoping will be rather amusing. they were to me.
men in porn shops are pigs, albeit sometimes funny pigs. *well maybe i shouldn't call them that, it's insulting to the noble pig* they are the dregs of the perv pile. and not in the fun perv way of my fav. kappa. but the real low lives.
one of the first sundays i worked there. *yeah we were open sunday* this guy came in dressed in military fatigues. i'm supposing because he noticed that i was the lone female in the store that he'd have some "fun" at my first i didn't really pay too much attention to what was going on as i usually sat, reading a book trying to ignore the smutty shit going on around me. out of the corner of my eye i note that something doesn't look right so i glance up. this jerk is standing there with his junk hanging out....>.< so i yawn and go back to reading. next i notice he's moved to a different area of the store again i yawn and go back to reading. after several times of him getting just into my visual range and getting tired of it i put my book down and tell him to put it away or i'm calling the cops. he looks at me blankly. so i repeat myself. and he says *quoting here* "i thought you might enjoy a show" i glance up and down and in my best deadpan voice tell him
"no thanks i'm into girls"
never saw someone leave the store so quick. the boss congratulated me on my quick thinking. and then yelled at me that i should have done something sooner. got a raise not to long after that.
dumb men,