Well I am feeling much chirpier.
1 - Spent two days out hitting the sales with my mother, returning home with a red gingham summer dress, a red chiffon cocktail dress, a black jersey dress I'll travel in when I go to DC, two Placebo albums and a vintage-style satin bag.
2 - Spent a day this week tinkering around on PS7 and now I know how to use colour fill layers (to lovely effect as well), made icons for a BSG icontest and I made my very first text brush (see this post's icon). So yeah, go me.
3 - Wrote a Kara/Laura drabble for a
femslash100 from the prompt 'cigarettes' and I really quite like it. I continue to move slowly onwards with my Get Laura Laid fic, really gotta get it done soon otherwise am social pariah. I wrote nearly 400 words of it and now am re-writing what I've done 'cause I've gone off what I've written. I'm stripping it all down again, re-structuring and playing with the character dynamics because I want it to be smart, taut and hot.
4 -
k_julia, I got your package yesterday and omg, woah how hot is that film! Also, the cinematography and fact the ending is a happy one rocks. Many thanks you generous creature, and on a geeky side-note, you have lovely handwriting.
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contessa_maggie Tell 6 things about yourself and then tag six more people to do the same, no tags back.
1. I own about 30 dresses, and this number grows larger by the month.
2. I really wish I could sing and/or play the piano.
3. I've worn glasses since I was about 2 and a half.
4. On my bedroom walls I have: a print of Waterhouse's Ophelia, a Janeway poster, my framed Tea at Five poster and signed playbill, a collage of me and my friends in Year 11, a small postcard of a painting I liked at Sanssouci Palace on the outskirts of Berlin, a Diane Arbus photo of an Edward Hopper-esque woman, two postcards of Katharine Hepburn, a photo of Isabelle Huppert and one of Fanny Ardant and a note reminding me of when my Ficathon story is due and how much money I owe people.
5. I have really nice long fingernails, often found painted deep red, which impress me because I used to bite them dreadfully.
6. Last night at about 3:30am, I crept downstairs and had a piece of chocolate gateau with cream. Y'all didn't need to know that but I was totally stumped to fill in this last space.