a weekend in which i did not feel like death

Nov 10, 2008 12:46

omg, you guys, i got a fancy new tv! squee! it looks like it came off the death star, all shiny and black. cossar came to B&H with me to buy it. B&H is amazing will all the hasidic jews and conveyor belts of electronics and whatnot. we took it back to the bk and set that sucker up. the first thing it showed us was the PBR finals. excellent. tomorrow i'm getting a new HD cable box and kyle's going to help me set it up and then we're in business. what should i name my new tv? it looks like this.

i also saw the hold steady with jesse and marisa and their posse. nothing but love for the hold steady. sara and maggie and i saw HSM3 at the ziegfeld with nine other people. the ziegfeld seats over a thousand people. it was amazing. there was drinking during and after the movie.

honestly, it was just nice to get out of the house finally. get those flu shots people!
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