after one of the worst nights at work, where the register was short 2 grand, for no reason, and it took 2 hours to clean up, a guy stopped me frantically on my block and asked me where the closest store was that would be open. I pointed him towards 7-11. He looked at me sideways and asked if he could ask me a really weird question. Of course, I said yes. He then inquired as to whether or not 7-11 would sell the morning after pill. i shook my head, and then pointed him towards cvs.
as I walked inside my building, i giggled a little, knowing we've all been there at one time or another. I came home and turned on my computer, checked out ashley's new lj de vida expecting something promising and out pops. "South Dakota Bans Abortion, Setting Up a Battle".
I read the article, which you can find here: then i felt disgusted. it's outrageous, i thought, who the fuck do these people think they are. What in god's name is going on in the world right now where religions are battling each other and launching rockets and dropping bombs on neighborhoods, no one talks to each other, concrete falls on nice humans because someone didn't mix cement correctly, my wrist falls off from scooping ice cream, two thousand dollars has disappeared from the register, and the governor from South motherfucking DAKOTA think it's okay to implement this kind of statute.
THEN.....i read this sentence, and i quote, "The reversal of a Supreme Court opinion is possible," the governor said. "For example, in 1896, the United States Supreme Court ruled in the Plessy vs. Ferguson case that a state could require racial segregation in public facilities if the facilities offered to different races were equal. However, 58 years later, the Supreme Court reconsidered that opinion and reversed itself in Brown vs. Board of Education."
i just LOVE it when people don't even realize their own irony. or rather irony is a bad word choice, stupidity of comparison fits better. Brown v Board of Education is one of the most important, positive, supreme court cases, if not THE most important supreme court case, this country has ever seen. Overturning Plessy v Ferguson was giving a wrongly disenfranchised group of people the right to have an equal playing field for achievements in life, mister governor, and the reaches of the Brown case extended into everything that has now created a better society. It is not, i repeat, NOT even slightly comparable to banning a woman's right to choose what she feels necessary for the continuation and happiness of her life, and what "could be" the life of the fetus within her.
I have a better idea. The guy outside and I will get together and send a huge box, the size of my living room, filled with 800 wire hangers. Then the governor can place it in front of where planned parenthood used to be, and he can see what happens. Where will his morals lie then?
the self-inflicted pain that a woman lives in after the loss of a pregnancy, regardless if she chose to lose it or not, teaches her the "moral consequences" much better than the law ever will. We all have to live with ourselves, here, in our given situations, so please, let's wake up.