The Wraith were coming.
And not in that 'someday' sense of coming, but in that 'we have maybe a week to prepare' way. When they got the news, John had been off-world losing the ZPM that would've saved all their asses, first to freaking Kolya and then to Rodney's homespun girlfriend. McKay had a big trap and John would've given him a piece of his mind about it if there'd been time. Too quickly John and Teyla were off checking how quickly the hive ships were closing in on Atlantis by visiting nearby gates. A simple recon mission that turned into John arguing with Teyla about how to follow orders. But don't worry, instead of gathering intel, they'd brought more refugees to die in the slaughter that was about to take place on Atlantis.
Life was just peachy.
And now Ford had set up a camera in the conference room and John had been instructed to leave a message for Colonel Sumner's family and then one for his own.
Filming himself in this mood was a fantastic idea.
Somehow, Sumner's message was a thousand times easier to dictate into the camera than John had anticipated. His face was as stoic as he could manage, but John's eyes were appropriately sad and distressed. With their situation, he didn't have to fake any of it.
"I'm not sure if Colonel Sumner's parents are still alive. Um, I'm not sure he even has a family back there -- not all of us do. But if he does have a family, they should know that he died with honor and courage in the performance of his duty. He carried the burden of a leader, and he carried it well. I didn't get the chance to know him well, but I know this: considering the type of man he was, and what we're up against, well, I wish he was still here." Even if he'd been a jerk.
Next up was his own message home.
John settled uneasily in front of the camera for a second time and tilted his head awkwardly. This was his last message to Earth, assuming the transmission worked. John was on the verge of giving up all hope of ever making it back. There were three Wraith hives bearing down on the city's location. With no ZPM to power up the shields or weapons, they were screwed.
"This message is for Dave Sheppard. I know you weren't expecting this sort of thing from me, Dave, but it's come to it. If you're seeing this video, well, then you know what's going on. You're my executor and there's a bunch of paperwork coming your way. Enjoy it!" John had to get at least a little snark into this thing, but now he turned serious and a little unsure. "Uh...there are a couple things I ought to tell you. I'm sorry stuff fell apart between us, that's not how it was supposed to be. You're a good brother and your kids are lucky to have you." John let out a breath and shrugged at the camera. "Fine, I'll say it. You were right. She was the one. Give her a call for me, okay?" What else could he say?
"Uh, goodbye."
[NFB, NFI, OOC = ♥ Amazing how quickly we got to 1.17 Letters from Pegasus.
It's all v. dramatical.]