
Jan 04, 2005 22:17

quotes that changed my life....

"The ones who love us least are the ones we'll die to please."

"One little thing that he does can brighten your day, but the one little thing that he doesn't can ruin it."

"Never forget what he meant to you, but never let him know you remember."

"Always have hope for a guy who turns around one last time as he's walking away."

"It is easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend."

"He calls and calls but she refuses to answer her phone. Tears pour from her eyes as she sits next to it listening to it ring over and over again. But what the boy on the other end doesn't realize is that he's breaking her heart. Because the truth is that she wants to pick up the phone and hear his apology so bad. But she holds back, and what she doesn't realize is that she is breaking the boys heart too. The truth is, he can't live without her, but she'll never know. It will all end after this call. He'll never try to talk to her again, and her stubborn heart will wish that she had picked up that phone after all and gotten back what she was so sure she never wanted again."

"Always remember that through the turmoil love may bring, the heart sees what the eyes cannot."

"Any guy can love a thousand girls, but the real guy is the guy who can love the girl in a thousand different ways."

"I want to be that girl he's scared to lose, the one he can't walk away from, knowing she's mad at him. The one who can't fall asleep without her voice being the last thing he hears, the one he wouldn't know what to do without..."

"Who do you want to be? The guy i tell all my secrets to, or the guy all my secrets are about?"

I'm the kind of person who laughs at a joke 3 times... once when it is told, once when someone explains it to me, and once when i finally get it 5 minutes later!

"How could you forget me and so easily walk away, when i'd give up a thousand tomorrows for just one yesterday."

"A little jealousy in the relationship is healthy. It's always nice to know someone is afraid to lose you."

"Suicide is not so much the desire to die, but the fear of living."

"Boys are dumb--girls cause too much drama--magic is real--you can never laugh too much--sometimes you just need to cry--its pointless to match your socks--it's ok to smell--sometimes it takes tears to make us realize that after the rainfalls, there's always a rainbow."

"Tell him i don't want to see him
Tell him i hate him
Tell him that he was never anything to me
Tell him i never loved him
Tell him i won't miss a thing
But don't tell him i said all this with tears in my eyes."

"Love is a fire, but whether it's going to warm your heart or burn down your house, you will never know."

"While you are wishing to be someone else, someone else is wishing to be you."

I love walking in the rain, cause no one can see the tears falling from my eyes.

"As time goes on, a lot of things change. People drift apart and things rearrange. You lose friendships you thought would always remain. But most of the time, the best things in life never stay the same."

"Boys will break your heart, friends will betray you. Parents will seem too strict, and life might annoy you. But you should always remember that there's a purpose for these things to be happening to us. So keep your head up and your spirits high, for if you don't life will just pass you by."

"I'll write down all the times you said I LOVE YOU, and i'll shove all the pages down your throat so you can use them on the next girl who comes along and thinks she's your entire world."

"Don't miss someone from your past. There's a reason they didn't make it to your future."

"There are times like these when i lay in bed wishing i'd wake up in the emergency room and hear the words: 'she's not going to make it."

"Every girl needs a man she can go to in her sweats, hair a mess, makeup running down her face, eyes red from crying, and the first thing he says to her is: 'Baby you are beautiful...' and means it."

"It's like writing our names on a foggy window, and watching them slowly fade away."

"There will always be people you can't believe you were friends with, guys you can't believe you kissed, and people you can't believe you lived without."

"Girls can be suspicious of girls that are 'just friends' because we know the guys that we've had that were 'just friends' we once thought of as something more."

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