Jun 15, 2005 11:08
The tsunami warning is no longer in effect . . . In California at least. As for the Tsunami in my brain, well, that’s another story.
I hate junkies. I am not the only one. I have zero sympathy for them, period. I grew up in a terrible and abusive household and believe me, I can take the pepsi challenge with anyone who wants to compare notes on family dysfunction and I will (unfortunately) win, hands down. Still, I am not a frigging junkie- I am not a weak minded person, I persevered and I am proud of that.
I have what you could technically call a Step-Step Daughter; my soon to be ex husband’s step daughter from prior marriage. Her mom is a junkie, always has been, always will be- I guess during their marriage it was hidden pretty well and he was unfamiliar with that lifestyle anyway. When they divorced he tried to get custody but no dice as he never legally adopted her. We did everything and no matter what we tried, it fell on deaf ears.The police couldn’t help, child protective services made a so called “surprise visit” but warned her ahead of time for some reason. Nada, and her mom is worse than ever now- stealing, prostituting, you name it. My hands are completely tied . . . and even though I work in this system, I can’t get any help on this. I hate to admit it but no one wants to do their job. There’s NEVER any county follow through, people are lazy. I have seen these people spend more time on a case that will quite obviously amount to nothing, while kids who are being truly abused are ignored. I guess that would just involve too much work.
I will never understand how someone can give birth and not get their shit together. Before I had my own daughter Marley Jade, I was your typical goth doing your typical drugs, sure. But it you’re your typical subculture teen BS; it was not addiction. And even then, I remember we always strayed away from junkies bc they were bad news. But that was years and years ago . . . When I got pregnant with my daughter I was a high school drop out and was on welfare. I am not ashamed of that because I worked my way through and out of it. My own father didn’t get past 8th grade while my mom dropped out of high school and here I stand, going from GED to AA to BA to Grad school. It was and is hard but I did and do it-Why? Because I have a child to raise! Because this was the choice I made, it’s my job to raise a productive, well rounded, intelligent eventual member of adult society. Fkng junkie parents . . . they make me sick. When you become a parent your life is no longer yours, everyone knows that's the drill. If someone is too selfish to deal with that, have a damn abortion!