Apr 12, 2005 20:23
okay, so you know when you close your hand in a door, or rip a band aid off really fast, or stub your toe or someone tells you a really gruesome story you wince.
Yeah, well i've got a case of the emotional winces.
i cant really explain how in depth these emotional winces are, because like the physical wince, its sort of a subconcious, intuitive action that you really dont know WHY you do it.
its kind of hard to explain my life right now: i'm in a really good place, or atleast im getting there, but all the fuck ups that occured in the past haven't really gone away. Like i said to someone: i'm really happy yet im sad.
And so im wincing.
The more and more i look at it, there were so many, many, many things that went wrong this year, and i kept complaining about it. its like when i was in the 5th grade, and i thought i was going to die. Everythign had a way of working itself out. God, made a way for me to be okay, even if today i still think of that moment and i'm...wincing. This situation is sort of similar: im pulling through yet im still wincing --> i guess im just really tired of lying to everyone all the time, i'm trying to make what i do legitimate, like i've been writing about for the last 4 months, every breath, every word, every action. Its just strange, how i'm feeling, its even stranger how everything works out. There's no good way to really end this, so i'll try and be positive, and just say that i hope everyting works out for the best?