(no subject)

Jan 05, 2010 22:25

Home sweet home! I feel like I've been traveling for a whole month (I left Dec. 17th) now I'm finally back home in Atlanta! After Anime South and Christmas, I came back to Georgia for ONE WHOLE DAY before picking Melissa up from the airport and driving out to Houston, TX; where I finally got to meet my long time friend Judith and grab my boy who'd been traveling with his family for some weeks. Our ultimate destination was Austin, TX for NYE zaniness and Ikkicon!

I feel like Texas is quickly becoming my second (third?) home. Austin, by far, is my favorite city in that state and I was excited to spend New Year's Eve there! Melissa joined me on the drive out there. A delightful new friend and fellow fashion designer that Joe set up a play date with when I went up to Otakon last year (and didn't know anyone but The Outlanders) - we had a pizza party in her room and played dress up together! I love Melissa, she's like me and is all about crazy adventure road tripping. So armed with a GPS and a very excited recommendation of some amazing bar-b-que from Cathy of God Save the Queen Fashions, we were on our way!

Melissa at The Shed; somewhere in Mississippi

Me, rockin the new blonde look!

I found my favorite coffee in the whole world, and they had a coffee house!

We finally made it to Houston sometime late that night, after having to GO BACK to the Community Coffe shop because Miss Melissa forgot her purse there.... ..... ..... 45 mins into the drive. I finally got to meet my friend Judith, who I met years ago in the BJD community (and also, was the one who introduced Joe and I, as friends, and was pretty not shocked to hear we were dating *^_^*). I absolutely loved her apartment and kitty cat (which the game of the day would be to trap him in a box, blanket, shirt, etc and see if he could get out). We spent a couple days in Houston, checking out the local flair, going to the most amazing fabric shop south of NYC, eating tasty foods, and getting to see one of my favoritest Chris' in the whole world!

Judith and Melissa at Ruggles Green

Joe approves

Joe gives a lap dance

We went to this bar afterward, and while Joe and Judith were grabbing drinks, this dude totally took their seat! I told him that my boyfriend was sitting there, and he said he could just sit on his lap... and... well, Joe did!

The next day we headed out to Austin. It's not a long drive, but everything is so... flat. We stopped at this one gas station and Melissa and I got epic beef jerky! No pics, sadly, but it was like a cow's leg.... and $10 a piece too. We did find this gem tacked on the bathroom door:

We didn't inquire

So we got to the hotel, checked in, and got ready for the fashion show! Say what? Yeah, Joe, Melissa and I were modeling in a Lip Service fashion show (part of Ikkicon's New Year's Eve partyness). Yeah... just wait for pics on this one. We met up with Jessie, who helped put the show on, and got changed. Melissa managed to make a vinyl dress look classy, I fulfilled many a french maid wet dream and Joe was dressed in girl's clothing. ;D Joe and I went on the town for NYE and found a cozy spot on 6th street to watch their own little Austin ball drop. It was fun, and crazy crowded!

Joe and I before heading down for the show

Most of Ikkicon was a blur. I worked my butt off this show! Between my own cosplay panels, and the steampunk events with the Outlanders... it was nuts!

It was wonderful to see so many of my Texas friends! Leslie brought me candy from Hawaii, got to meet many new steampunk people, Rick, his gal, Cody and Kevin came to town too! I didn't get ANY pics from the con. My favorite panel had to be Outland Armour's story time (NC-17!). Two hours of drunken tales from our crew. I hope we can do more of these in the future. ;D

Ok, Joe is putting on Christmas Dr. Who goodness, which negates any further con reporting.

ikkicon, new years eve, texas

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