(no subject)

Aug 22, 2007 13:43

I got back in to Denton last night, after a hectic week-long visit that was only supposed to last 4 days.

Unfortunately, I had no time to go back to my apartment, so I literally drove from straight Houston to my job for the evening shift.

I didn't actually set foot into my apartment until a quarter past 11.

We went car shopping on Monday evening, bought the car Tuesday (yesterday) morning and I drove back to Dallas with it that same day.


I did NOT get the BMW. I did beg my parents to reconsider, but it was a no go.

It's a shame, because that car was gorgeous. A 2003 BMW for under 10 grand, and my parents passed it up. *smh*

I don't know what they were thinking.

My real car:

Meet Silver the Sebring. It's a 2002 year model with a V6 engine.

I didn't pick the name Silver. Unlike the BMW, which I named within seconds (I was going to call it Fancy =[ ), this car didn't have an obvious "personality" and I didn't know what the hell to call it.

So yesterday morning, when I went to go say goodbye to my favorite cousins, I invited them to come outside and see my new car.

They asked me what its name was (they all knew that I had called my old car Rufus) and I told them that I didn't know what to name it.

Mikey, the youngest boy (he'll be 4 in Nov.) exclaimed that I should name it Silver.

Of course, his twin sister seconded this idea, followed by their three older siblings AND my two cousins visiting from London (ages 3 and 4) who had spent the night at their house.

So I had 3 3-year-olds, a 4-year-old, a 5-year-old, a 7-year-old, and an 8-year-old all clamoring at me to name my car Silver.

I didn't want to disappoint them and plus, Mikey is my favorite my little elf my baby my little man, so I named it Silver especially for him, even though the car is technically metallic blue.

The neatest thing is that it came with a security system already installed.

The keyless remote allows me to start my car's engine without entering it or even unlocking the doors. I can start it up and stop it again with one button.

I also found out that the remote has a "kill-switch" on it. The engine starter can only turn off the engine ONLY if the car is still not in gear.

The "kill-switch" simply kills the engine regardless of it's in gear or not.

We didn't get an owner's manual for the security system (or the car for that matter), so guess how I found out about the kill-switch?

On my way home from work after 5 hours in the car and 4 more at a job I hate, thinking only of my bed, I was speeding along on the freeway when all of a sudden, the car died.

All the dashboard guage needles dropped to their baselines. The gas gauge was at 0, the RPM count was at 0, the Speedometer was at 0--even though I was still coasting. Even the fucking engine-temperature gauge was at 0!

I pressed the gas, and nothing. Luckily I had been driving at about 80 mph, so I still had enough momentum to crawl safely onto the shoulder.

I called my dad and started freaking out to the point that I barely noticed the keyless remote beeping wildly.

I looked at it, and noticed an engine icon with an X through it flashing on the LCD display.

Apparently, my knee had bumped against the kill-switch while it was dangling from the ignition.

It was a fun experience.

Despite everything, I AM happy to have a car that was built in this century.

Oh, and Rufus got a reprieve! In the two hours between the time we traded him in, and I was set to leave for Denton, my parents decided it might be a good idea to save Rufus for my younger brother, who will be driving soon.

By the time I reached Dallas, my dad had paid the car dealer the trade-in value we got for him and brought him home.

So I'll still be able to see him when I go home for holidays =]

silver the car

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