Up early...

Mar 21, 2007 08:27

It's spring break and I am doing nothing.

I have no plans.

No surprises there.

Just thought I'd get it out of the way.

Anywho, I really want a pet. I blame it on all the dog/cat/hamster macros that proliferate the interwebz. I've wanted a puppy for about 29348q0238 years now, but I know I'm not in the right place to take care of one by myself. Plus, I'm planning to move back to my old complex this August, and unlike here, they have a no-pets policy.

However, people DO still keep dogs and cats there. I know cuz I seent 'em before.

I don't think I could keep a puppy there though. What with the peeing and barking =[ I'm actually considering getting a cat now. I have NEVER been a cat person, but I'm warming to them.
Plus, I figure a kitty might be easier to conceal in an apartment where you're not technically supposed to have pets.

IDK just yet. I don't want to be another "single girl with cat". *Shudders*
Seriously, I'd rather have a dog, but I don't know that I have the balls to get away with it.

Maybe I should just get another hamster.

fluffy aminals

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