(no subject)

Jun 15, 2005 22:39

I absolutely despise my Design I class. It's alot of paper cutting and boringness. I have to go to that class four hours a day four days a week. The money I've spent on that class is ridiculous. Not only to we have a list of supplies to get, but we have to buy other items for each different project as well. Right now we have to make a book with symbols to illustrate a story, rather than representations. I don't know what the hell that means, but I'm faking it. I went to Hobby Lobby 3 times this week for this damn project. It's ridiculous.

I honestly love Hobby Lobby. I could live there. They have so much cool shit there. If I were richer, I'd spend so much money in that store....well, maybe not. I don't know many rich people who go to Hobby Lobby. Whatever the Neiman's of craft-stores is, I'd so be there if I had money. Whenever I'm in that store, I get so many cool ideas for fun stuff to make.

One thing I do hate about Hobby Lobby is the abundance of wrinkly white ladies. Not that I don't like wrinkles. Or white ladies. But somehow the combination....

Also, I DON'T KNOW WHAT IT IS, but almost everytime I go to Hobby Lobby, I HAVE to take a shit. ROFL. I'm so serious. I CAN'T explain it. Maybe it's the cheap potpurri, or all the candles, or the smell of wrinkly white chicks, but it HAS to be something in the air there, because I always get hit with some bubble-guts in that store. It's utterly bizarre.

At any rate, I bought some fun stuff to decorate my room. I bought some really cute paper laterns and other stuff. I also got some origami paper for my project, but decided to make a bunch of paper cranes and made a mobile out of it with on of my laterns.

Yeah, I know lanterns are chinese and paper cranes are japanese. Shut up.

Anyway, PICCIES!

my cranes are so much prettier in person.

The latern is also prettier in person and has alot more stars than this. But these were all I could catch. I've only put the stars on one of the lanterns for now. When I'm not busy cutting shapes like a five year old, then I'll finish them.

art stuff, school sucks

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