Apr 18, 2005 00:05
while i'm awake, a few tidbits:
-i feel like slapping that fag from the "women-become-totally-irrational-bubble-headed-creatures-when-presented-with-a-bar-of-hershey's-chocolate" commercial. what the hell is that guy talking about?? he looks like he gets NONE. probably cuz his stupid ass is whipping out chocolate bars to pick up women. dumb ass. "oh mah gawd! i lurve choclit!!. shut up. fag.
-i need to find out how to download illegal music on this school's network. paying for music is the pits...
-nikka costa is cool beans. she's the coolest beans. *coughdownloadsohaveiforyouawesomesongcough*
-nobody like my art? =(
-i'm staying for summer school!!! w00t!! my uncle sam paid for it. he's the bestest!!
-i got the third harry potter movie for christmas, but i have no "real" dvd player (i say real because my laptop plays dvd's, but power dvd doesn't work and i can't find any free dvd playing software for computers). i swear this movie is just staring at me...still with it's wrappings and security tags...maybe it's time i get that 20" flat screen from walmart. too bad i'm broke.
-minute maid berry punch is the shiznit. always has been. always will be.
'tis all for now.
random thoughts