Dearly beloved,
Here is a simple truth.
If you believe that gay marriage is wrong, even by name, you are a bigot, you are intolerant, and you do not have my respect.
Let's run down the list.
1) Leviticus 18:22: What the church doesn't want you to know and why God doesn't give a damn.Part I
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Comments 76
WEll done my fine feathered friend!
Although I must admit,
This is when we come to the problem of what the hell the Bible is actually talking about. Using a fair perspective that takes into account the historical era in which this book was written, and who the people were who wrote it, the Bible can rightfully refer to homosexual pagan rituals, rape, orgies, pimping, or any number of things. The notable exclusion of what it does NOT reference, and likely does not reference since it would have been an enigma in society at the time, is consentual homosexual relationships.
I laughed somewhere during this paragraph. I'm sure you can guess where.
Maybe the Christians can lend me a hand and help me clean up my mind ;_;
Cher, I'm so sorry. You can't gay-pimp marry in America. God does not approve. There can only be ONE pimp that big.
There could be a holy pimp-off! Determine the God of Pimps! It would be pimptastic! A pimporama! A pimplosion!
The winner would get Moses' almighty pimp cane so they can part the.... um..... >.> use your imagination.
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The way that number was calculated was to find the number of marriages in a given year and compare it to the number of divorces that same year.
So, if 100 couples got married in 1997, and 50 couples got divorced, they'd say the rate was 50%
They're not, however, taking into account that most of those divorces are separations between people who had gotten married years beforehandSo, to be accurate, a statistic would have to take into account the hypothetical 100 marriages in every logical year previous and the divorce rates therein ( ... )
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But it sure does make way more sense than 50%.
But the figures really aren't all that important. Whatever they really are, they still show an impressively sad trend.
Fornification ~ n. consensual sexual intercourse between two persons not married to each other. (Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary)
So, homosexual sex is against God's Word since God created marriage and it was recorded in Genesis 2:24
That is all I have to say. So in the public opinion of the definition of bigotry, I am one. And so is everybody else that thinks because I take my stand I am a bigot.
To me I don't care if somebody is gay or a different religion. See, Jesus said in Matthew 19:19 to love your neighbor as yourself. He did not say love your neighbor if they have the same morals/beliefs/convictions/religion/or anything else as you.
Hold on.
Joshua and sun standing still.
Game over. Pool closed. Don't even try and claim scientific primacy here.
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