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Every Saturday Russ goes off for a few hours to practice with his band. It is always in the middle of the day, so any big weekend plans I make have to be reserved for Sundays. I am not one to ever feel bored, as I almost always am working on something, but it is just the right amount of time where I am left looking for things to do until he gets home. Today I decided to do some canning. I pulled out my
Ball Complete Book of Home Preserving, flipped through a few pages, and quickly decided to go with pickled okra and dilled green beans.
I was only able to get the okra canned today because the store that I buy my canning jars from decided to stop carrying them. Not wanting to run all over town we called my mother in law to see if she knew where I could get more jars. About thirty minutes later Russ’ mom, the dear that she is, called us from Wal-Mart asking what size of jars and lids I needed! That was totally unexpected, I had planned on going to pick them up myself in the morning. I really am so lucky to have such amazing in-laws.
Anyhow, I will probably make the green beans either tomorrow after I make lemon bars or Monday during the day. Here are some photos of the okra.