In no particular order, with no discernible commonality:
- My son is with my parents today. They are taking him to the cinema. He secretly wants to see Cars 2, but he is Twelve, you see, and afraid he might run into someone he knows and Cars is kids film. So they are going to see Kung Fu Panda 2. O.o
- My girl kitty needs surgery! She's been having blood in her urine and a round of antibiotics didn't clear it up. X-rays show stones in her bladder for which the only solution is surgery. But there is no way we can get it done before we leave! So she'll have to wait a few weeks, poor kitty!
- (No, we have NOT heard what contingency plans the travel company might have in place if the strikes in Greece prevent us from entering or, more importantly, leaving the country. I am trying not to think about it.)
- I am about 250 pages from the end of Game of Thrones, and have only watched the first episode, but I did get accidentally spoiled for the big death. It kind of amuses me that so many people are annoyed by things like this when the book has been out for ages. I am going to keep reading and watching though because the book (
- Food truck Friday! Okay, DCers, today I finally tried
Sauca. Had the Mumbai buttered chicken. NOM!!!
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