Aug 09, 2008 10:34
Yesterday was One of Those Days. You know, everything goes wrong?
It started off okay, but quickly got bad. I was supposed to take the bus but it never came, so I had to call my mom to drive me to work. Even so I was early enough to still have time to get my paycheck and a bite to eat. I sat out on the picnic table outside the store to eat my salad, and a few minutes later, two of my co-workers came outside to sit on the bench (which is right next to the picnic table, I could've touched them) and began to smoke. Thankfully the wind was slowing the right way and blew the smoke away, but I could still smell it. I don't begrudge my co-workers their ciggarette breaks, but can't they smoke somewhere else? =/
Then, after I eat and clock in my boss tells me I majorly screwed up my project yesterday and set everyone back by hours trying to fix my mistake. She wasn't angry or yelling, but I got really upset. I was just so mad at myself because the mistake itself was simple, and I really should've figured it out myself. And then work was just insanely busy. I had to surge-check several times, so it was hard to keep the stand full. In the end, I couldn't do everything on my list. I doubt I'll get in trouble...they can just ask anyone how busy it was and check records etc. Still, it was stressfull. So glad I have off tomorrow!
But my brother bought my new ink for my printer, so that was nice. And the opening ceremonies of the Olpmics were cool (at least the part I saw was cool. I missed the first 2 1/2 hours). So even bad days have good parts.
Anywayyyy...debating whether or not to pre-order Tree of Tranquility. I really want the game, and Harvest Moon games are often hard to find around here. Plus it comes with a cow plushie if you pre-order. The downsides: money is a bit tight, and I don't own a Wii. It doesn't make a lot of sense to order a game for a system I don't own. I mean, i plan on buying a Wii when I get the cash, so it might be nice to have a game already bought and waiting to be played.
bad day was bad,
harvest moon