Jun 15, 2003 20:56
yeah, so i saw finding nemo last nite with jonny boy and other people. so good and cute, i was nicely surprised, b/c i wasnt sure how it would be. but yeah, i did like toy story and a bug's life, so i should have expected it would be good. funny how a random cartoon thing could make me so homesick. it was mainly underwater, but it sooo reminded me of snorkelling at tanah merah, and taking the perahu out to the dropoff and my mom always telling me to be careful when swimming out past the dropoff, even just out in the reef. man tanah merah is the best beach in the world. i'm so homesick right now, i wish i was going back before next summer. =/
kadang kadang saya sedih karena hidupku disini sangat menyinggung perasaan, dan saya tidak mau pergi ke sekolah, dan tidak mau dapat pekerjaan. saya mau hidup di pantai tanah merah dengan pacar saya dan makan kelapa. dan mati dari nyamuk disitu dan malaria. hahaha right.
ahhh my bahasa sucks i have the worst grammar. it always gets bad when i'm not there. i cant even speak english right, let alone indonesian haha. australia cant come any sooner, at least they have indonesian places there and i'll get to eat some nasi goreng and sate and have strawberry fanta.
damn i'm so homesick. =(