
Jan 03, 2011 11:05

So new year's resolutions...

-finally get rid of all the stuff that is cluttering up my life house.
(I made a start on this last year, but i would really like to get on top of it all)

-stop picking my spots
(this sounds easy, but actually i think i am somewhat addicted to it, and i find it hugely satisfying. The problem is that i think i am damaging my skin, and i find it hard to stop because like smoking each time i do it on it's own isn't that bad, so i do it, thinking i won't in the future, but then i still do. So a full on stopping i think)

-being closer to an animal free diet
(currently I am vegetarian and only have soya milk in the house, i primarily use non-dairy margarine. I do eat eggs and eat products with egg and dairy products in them, like biscuits and crisps and the like. I would like to say I will go completely animal free, at least at home, but I like my saturday boiled eggs, and i like a sprinkling of grated cheese when we have pasta. I don't like this "I would be X but i just like X too much" line of reasoning, but I am not sure how much it "matters" if i eat organic eggs once a week, and grate cheese on my pasta. Maybe i should limit eggs and dairy to that. That said i think a "rule" is always easier to follow, exceptions make things get confusing. I am going to make these decisions over this year)

-make better use of the weekends
(again this will need to be hammered out, but currently we either go away for the weekend or I lounge about all day and then either go out in the evening or watch a film. If I kept up with things like ironing, cleaning, tidying then this wouldn't matter, but since I don't then I would be all round happier if I didn't let things mount up on me. I have an attitude of "I work hard in the week therefore I am entitled to do nothing at the weekend if I feel like it" and indeed this is true, but it isn;t actually making me happy to do nothing. I think I would be distinctly happier if I did something in the morning, and then chillaxed in the evening. We will see how I hammer the details out as the year progresses. Hopefully it will just be so rewarding that I don't need rules after a time, just like exercise")
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