Well, dear readers, this weekend marks the end of February, and looking back at my LJ calender, this post will apparently be the second time that I've posted here this month!
Yay, me. :)
I've actually been very busy and keeping up on my goal to finally stop procrastinating (it's way more stress than it's worth, and I really am starting to see the adverse affects after having done it for so many years.) However, this goal means that I'm actually doing homework in a timely fashion and studying so much each day, that I'm just pooped by the end of the day. And, my studiousness will hopefully pay off very soon - if I keep studying the rate I'm going, I could have no homework this weekend. Which would be amazing, since I'm going to the sewing expo this weekend and I also want to fit in some time for some serious antiquing (you know, some days I feel like a 70 year-old women trapped in the body of a 19 year-old!)
In sewing news, I pinned the pieces of my 1850s coat together. And then I folded them up and put them in a pile in my bedroom.
Oh, I went to a lovely reenactment last weekend. An 1859 tea with fashion show. And, I was a model (that was a first! I'm generally too short and normally proportioned to be a model). It was lovely catching up with so many lovely reenacting friends and just taking a break from the stresses of school. I took a few pics, but unfortunately my camera is at home.
I've also been slowly getting into the vintage craze. There are some truly amazing blogs out there with ladies who dress vintage everyday and some of them go all out, with the red lipstick and the hats and the girdles. I am really starting to warm up to this idea (well, except the girdle part), and I've been experimenting with some of the hair dos myself when I go home on weekends. Oh, and I absolutely love how I look in red lipstick, although my sister says that I look like a nice version of a "lady of the night" if you catch my drift.
Here is one of my attempts at rag curling (which was so low maintenence and came out lovely) complete with a lovely pillbox hat that I made during winter break out of some scrap fabric using
this incredibly simple tutorial from
Threadbanger (which is my new favorite diy site).
Oh, and excuse the very weird look on my face. I have no idea what I was thinking there . . .
The good thing about a lot of vintage styles is that they seem to blend in seamlessly with a lot of modern stuff, especially with the whole vintage revival going on now. Plus, a lot of vintage styles are so easy to wear everyday (especially on a college campus!) whereas other period styles you really can't (like the 1850s).
Anyways, this is what I've been up to lately. Hopefully it's not another 3 weeks before I update again!