New Roommate

Dec 11, 2005 12:29

So the bitchy old roommate moved out, but that was weeks ago... This week i received an email telling me someone had been assigned to my room. Not gonna lie- i was nervous. Then when I found out she was coming from Thurston and had a bf on campus. So i thought i'd have to deal with a partier who'd be having sex a lot.


She's awesome. Really, she is. She has good taste in music. She's super polite and respectful while still being freakin hilarious. And she already offered up her wardrobe and jewelry for me to borrow. I am a fan. Plus the boyfriend is really nice/cool and he has a personality so when he's around it won't be awkward. Plus she fits in with the floor and with the suities as i like to call them (my suitemates). Last night we had a bunch of people in our room and it already felt better therefore I am now excited to have my new roommate. This is going to be a good situation I can already tell. Keren and I even went and got cone e. together last night (i know how sweet).

Right now this week would be perfect if i could just eliminate finals from it, ha! For those souls that haven't heard me gush yet- there's a new boy in the picture. The new boy's name is Andrew and I could say a lot about him but i'll spare people details that they don't want to know. I will say that bookstores really are great places to meet people and its really funny because he and i met at the famous bookstore in the gay neighborhood of DC. It was a coinky dink people don't read too much into that. But we do have a date for monday night which you can read as much into that as you want, just remember that i am a good christian girl, seriously I am.

Well now its off to a fraternity house for free pizza and diet coke which really who can complain about that? I know that I can't. I'll update this biatch about the date after it happens.
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