May 23, 2006 19:40
...tee-hee i love my icon, i wish i made it thanks blackicons.
i'm off to florida tomorrow really early in the fucking morning dude i have to wake up before 5am!!!! grr...anyway...i'll be back june 7th. feel free to call me anyway it just means i'm way to far away to hang out unless you are also on vacation in florida. i'll be in tampa. i'm going to visit the parental units and check out their house because i still haven't seen the goddamn thing. i'm still mad they don't have a pool...i miss my pool in jersey....grrr. oh and i got my grades...they suck, not happy, please don't yell at me it won't help me. but here they are:
brit writers- b- (wow! i was failing this class midsemester, this grade i'm happy about)
human biology- c (i swear he had pity on me)
amer writers 2- d (yea this sux, but i'm sure i deserve, i did horrible on his tests..he talks too fast and covers way too much material)
gay&lesbian lit- c (grr he's mean i got good grades in this class, i dunno how that made me get a c but whatever)
yea so i'm still on probation and i still haven't told my parents..i'm waiting for my letter..i don't know if i can be on probation for more than one semester or if i have to appeal or if i get kicked out for a semester or i'll tell you when i know...i hope they just keep me on probation and make me take their extra help program it might help anyway.
...ok done now..
see you june 7th.