Hair styling tips, etc.

Jul 09, 2010 10:37

Sokka is getting soooo big!  And he's doing this adolescent thing where he just yells all the time.  Just this morning, the little shit jumped into my lap and stuck his face in my Cocoa Puffs!  I rejected him by sending him to the other room and finished breakfast mostly in peace.

Down a few more pounds but I haven't really noticed any change since getting DDR for teh Gamecube, other than that I hurt my knee a bit.  I've done it 2 times this week (It got here Tues, so I used it on Tues/Weds, last night we were @ Mom's/Uncle's for a tiny family reunion so there wasn't much time when we got home last night.)  Tonight, I'm going to do it for a full 30 minutes and see if my legs can handle it.  It's fun and easy to use (I'm on the easiest setting right now, and then I will build myself up) but the foam pad it sits on requires a fair bit of balance and doing so really gets my calves burning.

I think I might like to go out for a girl's night while cousin Stacey is still visiting.  We are of legal drinking age this time, which is nice, and we are in California, which is even nicer.  Plus, it's been awhile since I got dressed up for a girl's night.  Just give me a reason to tease my hairs, okay??

Made ice cream again this weekend and sent some up to Syd & Ryan (neighbors!) to see if they liked it.  Ryan it liked it just fine.  Actually, quite a bit.  He liked it so much that he didn't even share any with is wifey!  So I am going to make some for Syd probably this weekend.  We'll see. It's a busy weekend since Stacey and Seth are both in town, but we'll see, we'll see.  All I know is that the beach has got to definitely be in on this mix.

I keep reminding myself to bring home some seawater the next time I'm @ la plage because it makes my hair so curly and nice when it needs a washing and helps me to not wash it another day or so.  I know that sounds totally gross, but I still shower, I just don't wash my hair very often because it is BAD for your hair!! So I have been trying to avoid washing as much as possible.  I wash it like 3xs per week, but I'd like to go to 2xs.  Here is how I do it:

day 1: wash, condition, rebuilder (I use MegaTek by Eqyss because it makes my hair thick and shiny!) blow dry.
day 2: cornstarch rubbed into the bangs stops any greasy action and then hairspray into place.  (I used to use baby powder, but then I read that baby powder, which is made from talc, contains carcinogens very similar to asbestos, which causes: you guessed it, CANCER.) 
day 3:  I usually pull all my hair back with a multitude of bobbi pins like this:
  • Step 1:  Tease bangs, secure with 2 bobbi pins in a basic pomp.
  • Step 2:  Pull the top part of my hair back in 2 sections, one over each ear and secure with two bobbi pins in an X-style on each side.
  • Step 3:  With the rest of the back section, I grab 1" to 2" sections and just secure them to my head randomly until there are no more pieces hanging down.  It takes me anywhere from 10 to thirty bobbi pins, depending on how unruly my hair is, etc. 
  • Step 4: Feel the back of your head, all over.  Feel for any loose, flyaway strands and then pin those down too.  Spray the crap out of it with hairspray and let dry.
  • Step 5: Feel again for any spots that don't feel super secure and shove another bobbi pin or two in there.
It will feel super secure.  I can shake my head all around and nothing happens to it, it doesn't come out of place or anything and it only takes me like 5 minutes.  Maybe more like 8 minutes if it's being unruly, but it's great if you need something nice and don't have time for a full shower/blowdry session.

Here are some pictures of mine today!

I get lots of compliments on it and people are usually hard pressed to believe that I wear this as a default.  This little 'do is also super awesome for the day-after-a-night-out when your hair is all yucky and you are feeling lazy and gross.  I also like it for the beach because otherwise my hair gets all wind-blown and tangled.

My nose feels all boogery and ick today.  Here is to beach bonfires and exercises!


(I keep forgetting that since I'm married, I'm not Cc anymore! :))

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