Another Thing that Bothers Me

Apr 06, 2008 01:25

So I was at a TKD party tonight and I had a lot of fun. But they were very cautious about making sure I got home ok and that was really considerate. But then I was talking with Mike and really thinking about how man times I have walked home from the UNI house in the middle of the night...2, 3 in the morning. No one has ever offered to walk me home, not even my best friends. They don't seem remotely concerned and honestly there have been a lot of attacks on campus this year. It doesn't even have to be walking back to StuV - I understand it's a 15 minute walk, but no one has ever helped me get a cab.

It just really bothers me, now that I think about it, that some of the people that I consider my best friends don't even consider to walk me back. That they don't care about me enough. Yes, it's inconvenient. But that's not the point. And the fact that my best friends don't care enough about my well-being...I guess I never thought about it that way until now. And it's weird that these people that I barely know care a lot more about my safety than some of my best friends. Not really sure what to do.
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