Thesis Primal Scream

Mar 20, 2008 01:35

This thesis is driving me crazy and I just needed to get out my frustrations in words because it's 1:35 in the morning and I can't find the statistics that I need!!!! ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

That felt a little better.

I'm frustrated because I know these statistics exist (I have a chart based on them, but I want to see the raw data) but I can't find them. Every time I come close I encounter a broken link or I go in circles (clicking on useful looking links until I end up at the page I started from). I'm trying to find urban v. rural stats for Colombia and the most recent ones I can find are from 1987. I refuse to believe that no one's been covering this since (in fact, I know they have, it's just that the universe is out to prevent me from finding this data!) I've found public v. private and I also found a lovely copy of the test that they administer (yes - for real. The actual test, with all its questions, in Spanish, with an answer key. But no stats!!!!!)

The most annoying thing of all of this is that the stats aren't going to play that big a role in my paper - there are so many issues with education statistics - but I want to at least show what they say and have some recent ones.

I'm never going to finish this paper.

Then again, I'm going to show off for a moment by telling you that I've written 90 pages. It probably sounds impressive to an outsider, but it's not very comforting when you know that you have at least 3 more chapters to write, one of which you have very little info on, and it probably needs to be done in a week or so. I think I could almost double what I've written and since I've been writing since the end of January, it's not looking good for April 18th.

Anyways, deep breath and back to the databases. I will find this information if it kills me. Why don't developing countries keep better stats?? Ugh.

Sorry to the three people in the world that read this; it's an incredibly boring entry and I'm just annoyed. If there were people around I'd vent to them, or throw things. Maybe I shouldn't have quit boxing so soon. At least I still have my TKD - I'm getting so close to my black belt! I'm starting to learn my black belt pattern and it's exciting. I can't wait, I've worked hard and I think I definitely will deserve my black belt when I get it. Oh, what a journey. Ok, back to stats. I so am not going to want to wake up at 7am.
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