Attention, what's left of my friends list:
I'm back, sort of. But I'm moving to a new journal. (Yes, again, but I'm addicted to giving myself fresh starts so bear with me). I lurk on LJ a lot and everything about my bulimic!journal was negative and suffocating and triggering - basically just really not helpful for someone trying to recover and move on. Fandom is at least a more light hearted part of my life as yet, so instead of having one journal for fanfic and the other for RL, I'm mixing the two together again just so my "main" journal won't be all ANGST ANGST WOE IS ME.
I will have some posts touching upon bulimia (and much whining about other RL issues), so don't bother friending if you're only looking for fandom related stuff. Otherwise, my new journal is