Aug 17, 2007 22:29
Bulimia: it sucks, to put it mildly.
I started this journal hoping that I'd update it regularly and get to know the people on my friends list a bit better, etc ....but somewhere down the line I fucked up, developed an eating disorder, started another journal (that I DO happen to update regularly, unfortunately), and I think now I might as well resign myself to the fact that I'll only use this journal to make posts in fandom communities once in a while.
I was going to keep this journal and my ED one separate, seeing as how I used to be able to keep my restricting/binging/purging habits under control and confined to being a small part of my life........but now it's gradually grown from being one facet of my life to being most of it; now I've found my ED journal becoming more and more the one that reflects my days most truthfully and completely.
Thing is, I'd really like to stay updated with certain people on this journal's friends list - people I am genuinely interested in getting to know better, whose posts I really do like reading.
So. If you don't mind finding in your friends pages emo rantings about weight and calorie counting and binging and sticking fingers down throats and vomiting - and quite frankly I can get pretty obsessive and depressing, especially if I'm posting after I've spent another hour throwing up - then please comment here and I'll tell you which journal to friend. (I post about more normal/cheerful stuff, too, don't worry. Even bulimics can maintain their sense of humour.)
All comments will be screened for obvious reasons.