If leaving me stranded nowhere in the Village, out of my natural habitat and in my pajamas is your idea of a joke, then you're even worse than Dane Cook --And I'm so setting Georgina loose on you.
[ brief pause. ]
HUMPHREY! Here! Now!
Ugh, I'm having him exiled to Staten!
[ some numbers dialed using the device, then a longer pause as she waits for someone to pick up. ]
Hello? Dorota? Are you there? I'm lost. Hello? Hello? I'm near an empty carousel, and no cars. I don't want to be raped and murdered out here. HELLO?
[ ooc; aaaand Blair's back, updated to the latest episode 3.12 and reset. She won't remember any of you, but she'll be on her best behavior ♥ And yes, she is in fact in
pajamas and a coat. She loves S so. Missed you all! ]