sometimes collecting the mail is the highlight of my day

Jul 15, 2008 17:18

Yo guys. How are we all? Starting this entry on an f-listy note: Firstly I just want to say HAPPY LEGAL BIRTHDAY TO fridayschild713! Who is 18, which is of course legal over here but not in the grand ole US of A. Not that being legal really lets you do many exciting things. It does in fact do things like hinder meself from going to Timbaland. HOWEVER! I got an email back from Optus today to say that I will be allowed entry as long as I accompany an under-18, which is awesome cause I can bring my brother (who is 17). So I get to go! I'm actually really excited. I'm also officially back at TAFE and kind of exhausted, so it may just be ~delirium~.

And it's time for Today's Best Opening Line For An LJ Entry! outofdoritos began with the following: So Friday a skunk got into our ductwork at work and the entire building smelt like skunk. And while that is not funny I still laughed :x lolll I feel like skunk should be a verb. As in, 'the building smelled skunky'. (Note: I have never seen a skunk, a squirrel or a mole. I saw mole holes when I went to Germany but no actual moles. Shame, I have heard they are cute. Blind, but cute. Much like me).
ETA: I just found out I won Best Cropping over at saturdaysocials' Twilight icontest. And another one of my icons made it to the tiebreaker for most creative, which is cool, and now I get some requests from the comm's makers. Fun fun! Posted the icons over at _drivingblind.

Finally some pimpage:
-delilah_pro came up with some gorgeous fanmixes and icons for four different ships including Sylar/Maya and Doctor/Rose here. Also, I'm getting my brother the first disc of season one for his birthday so I maaaay be getting more into Doctor Who pretty soon. Be on alert, y'all. *snaps gum*
-The Twilight kids did this hilariously lame Mills and Boon style Entertainment Weekly cover. lol what. The pics inside are much better though. Also apparentally a couple of Borders stores in my stsate are doing full-on Break Dawn book launches. I guess they missed holding the old Harry Potter launches, eg.
-Sucky news: apparentally the whole Doctor Horrible thing is unable to be streamed outside the US. I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY THEY DO THIS. AMERICA ≠ THE WORLD. But if you feel like circumventing the location block, and there are ways, Act 1 is up. BUT WE SHOULDN'T HAVE TO CIRCUMVE-
-In a move that has annoyed many LJ has released a beta version of its profile page redesign. (see my profile in the new style here). I actually don't mind it, for the most part. Generally an improvement.

Final note: GIP. Yes, that's a BSC icon. Icons for the first person who can name which book cover it came from! And with that, I'm off. Cheerios!

flist, music, lj stuff, random, icons, twilight, vids

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