Good morning/afternoon/evening folks. Quick entry. The last few days have been strange in that I've been going to bed earlier and as such waking up earlier, anywhere from 9am to 12. It's odd, but also not that bad cause I get to bring in the mail and open all the curtains and stuff, and yell at my mum and Trav about how late they wake up and not sound like a hypocrite. I've also been going out more, which is good, exercise-wise. I have to go out soonish to return a bunch of DVDs to Blockbuster. Exciting my life is, I know. lol.
I didn't do much of it last entry, so ZOMG LINKAGE TIME!
I dunno if they're new or whether I'm just a very bad Vmars fan for thinking they're new, but,
Amanda Seyfried's Lilly Kane promo shoot. Looks to be during the filming of the pilot, maybe? They're quite...odd.
Outtakes from those Bale pics I linked last time. As is always the way, they are much better then the actual pictures, though there is now debate as to whether Bale is agiing too quickly. Is that even his dog?
Two bound-to-be-good fics I'm planning to read:
Fear Of The Dark, A Doctor Who fic I really liked the sound of, and
the stars must contain us in their burning which is a gorge SGA fic for
artword. Just in case anyone is interested.
Also if you look around the place you'll find that the Emmys people are releasing semi-finalists lists for a lot of big categories, and all I want to say is: I can't believe Hugh Laurie is on the list for "House's Head" but RSL HAS BEEN SNUBBED. I really thought he'd be a certainty for Supporting Drama Actor. The whole finale really turned out to be about him and not House, for once, and he was just fantastic, and now I am sad :( (Related: the
season 4 dvd set comes out here August 20).
So. I'm off to the video store. How are we all?