it's very dramatic in my mind

Mar 17, 2008 00:22

Sup guys! Hey, so, how many of us are currently almost dying of heat exhaustion? (I mean, excluding you northen hemispherians, who are possibly freezing). It was 37C/98.5F today and tomorrow, says the news and Yahoo weather, it's going to hit up to 39C/102F. And I have to go to TAFE which requires about thirty minutes of walking, a bus trip and four hours in a non air-conned room, which however I know is nothing compared to some of you guys heading into school. I hate how there are still people out there who don't think global warming exists or is a problem when temperatures like this are stretching into autumn. As someone who relies on walking and buses to get around the heat just makes me feel like I can't do anything, because even the fifteen min walk to Knox is a lot in this heat. I can't even wear t-shirts out anymore because I sweat all over them after the walk. I just hate it. I mean, we are literally two degrees away from our highest ever recorded March temperature (41C/105F), though I feel I should give a shout out to Adelaide who are currently going through a heatwave - last week they hit something like 11 straight days over 35C. It's such a random place to have a heatwave though, LOL. You'd expect it in Darwin or even Perth, but Adelaide? (I can say this since nobody on my f-list is Adelaidian, LOL). Wow, I do complain, don't I. The heat is meant to dive off into the mid-20'sC/70's F midweek. For the record, I can handle temperatures above 30C but once it gets higher than about 36C/96F I start getting grumpy.
I hope all you USians appreciate my Google Farenheit conversions there. Word. I know that I'm probably sounding all grandma with my complaining about the weather, but when you're forced to get around without a car the weather dictates a lot. I tihnk I'm just going to have to chuck on a dress and some thongs and just attempt to breathe through the swelter. Sigh.
Otherwise, today was pretty uneventful. Mum and I went to Knox where I picked up Lonely Planet's Bluelist 2008. It's cemented the fact that I really want to go to Samoa (since Virgin flies there) as well as Papua New Guinea, and one day fiiinally make it to South America. I have a bone to pick with it though: in a sentence listing the worst things America has produced/exported, Bon Jovi was included. HOW DARE THEY, HOW. Putting that in a book I purchase is just asking for trouble. I mean, you guys all know that; I don't even have to say it. Oh, and also, while I was there I saw the Heroes Graphic Novel hardcover! It's basically a coffee-table book of all the season 1 graphic novels. COVET!

So, as far as the pimping of the 3 things variety goes:
- still 16 songs left unanswered on my music meme which means 16 icons up for grabs. Please do answer so I can have an excuse to iconate thingies!
- A big question meme hosted by goodbye with everything from 'scariest thing you've ever seen', to 'who would you go gay for?'. I love question memes!
-Though it's not a fandom I'm in, spnroundtable posted a really good workshop on how to write brotherly American banter. There's some really good tips/info in there if you write in a foreign-set fandom (or if you're not from Planet America).

In other news, I really wish somebody somewhere would find in their hearts to give me a freaking job. I'm in Noelle's prvious position of applying and applying only to never hear back. I don't entirely blame them considering I'm 18 and have no job experience, formal or informal, but I wish I could just get a chance. On that note, you know what really annoys me? Hearing tales of how people got their jobs because their boss is their second cousin/a work associate of their parents/a family friend. This is mainly because I have none of the above and my dad works in Hicksville at a paper factory. A greenhouse-gas emitting paper factory, contributing to the above heat, and on that circular bookended note, I must sleep! SEACREST OUT (thanks Steph).

meme, heroes, books, ranting, random

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