DSRK Fan Book Profile [GOUTO]

Jul 24, 2009 21:06



Gender: Male(?)
Occupation: Devil Summoner's partner
Height: 40cm
Weight: 3kg
Type: Tri-coloured cats...not. Elegant woman.
Favourite Food: Foxtails...not. Braised mackerel.
Interests: the growth of the 14th



業斗童子とは, 葛葉一族で禁忌を犯した者に与えられる刑罰の名称で, 自らの肉体を用いることなく, 他の葛葉のデビルサマナーに従者として付き従うことを課せられるというもの.
Gouto-douji is the title of punishment bestowed upon those who have committed a taboo within the Kuzunoha Clan, without the use of his body, he is imposed to tag along as a servant of other Kuzunoha Devil Summoners.

業斗童子の刑に服する者が複数存在するため, 葛葉の本部では番号で呼称される.
As there are several beings who serve this sentence, Kuzunoha Headquarters are numbered.

その魂は休息することを許されず, 繰り返し黒き生き物に憑き, 生き続けねばならない.
The soul is not allowed to rest, and one must repeatedly continue to live as a black creature.

また, 憑依できる肉体は, 一度死んだものに限られる.
In addition, a body that can be possessed, is limited to those who die once.

体内に横溢するマグネタイトのためか, その瞳は緑色に爛々と輝く.
The eyes glow green due the magnetite flowing through the body.

心は人あるものの, 肉体の快楽や欲望の影響も強く受けてしまうようだ.
Although the mind is of a human, it seems strongly under the influence of the desires and pleasures of it's body.

ライドウのことがよほど気になるらしく, やたらにアドバイスをするので, ちょっと鬱陶しがられているかも.
He seems greatly concerned about Raidou, so he thoughtlessly dishes out advice, and it's just a little gloomy.

ともあれ, ライドウの任務と責任を知る数少ない存在であり, 良き師匠であり友であるのです.
Anyhow, as those who know of Raidou's mission and responsibilities are few, he is a good teacher as well as a good friend.

gouto, scans, dsrkvssa fan book, ds : raidou kuzunoha

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