Soaring -- Miss_Sanguine

Jan 12, 2011 19:25

Author: Miss_Sanguine
Title: Soaring
Pairing: Aang x Katara
Rating: K
Disclaimer: Bryke and Nick own Avatar.
Author's Notes: My attempt at the emotion "Love". My friend likeacliche is helping me get better at expressing emotion in my work. She pointed out that sometimes my work sounds like a textbook instead of a story--at least in terms of emotion other than angst and sadness and paranoia--and it's something I've noticed long before now. xD I'm not good with happy sappy stuff. This is my first Kataang piece and my friend gives it an A+! @V@
Summary: Aang tries to write Katara a letter because he hasn't seen her in a few years.

The pile of crumpled papers was growing steadily larger with each passing hour. Aang stared down in misery at his newest piece; swirling clouds amid a bright blue sky. How on earth was he supposed to get his feelings down on paper? This was impossible.

He leaned further back into the soft comforting fur of his bison, the great mammal’s forearm providing him with a soft sitting place. He held the paper up for him, and Appa opened one eye lazily to glance at it. “What do you think, boy?” he asked for what felt like the millionth time, and as with the other attempts, Appa simply sighed.

Aang lowered the paper back into his lap and sighed, too. “Yeah. I don’t like it, either,” he said.

He hadn’t seen Katara in over three years. but it felt like it’d been only yesterday that they’d been together, holding hands in the moonlight and kissing under the golden Maidenhair trees that lined the streets of Ba Sing Se. He could still see her eyes when he closed his own, eyes that held the ocean. After the war, they’d found themselves separated by responsibilities way beyond what they could control.

And now, at sixteen, he found his thoughts filled with her face even more than usual. His heart ached for her, for her smile. He missed the feel of her hands, how she made his heart soar higher than the clouds.

“What am I supposed to do?” he asked out loud, his voice echoing through the canyon. “How am I supposed to tell her how I feel?” He’d hoped he could tell Katara through a drawing, but it wasn’t enough. Nothing was enough.

A loud grunt from Appa.

“How am I supposed to tell her that being with her is more wonderful than the first time I ever flew through the air? That she’s more beautiful than any sky, anything?” He traced his fingers absentmindedly along the rims of the clouds he had drawn, thinking. “I’ve never felt anything like I do when I’m around her. It’s like flying, only higher than any sky, even higher than the stars.”

Something big and wet and warm pushed against him from behind and pulled him up into the air before he fell back down with a slippery thud onto the cobblestones. Despite himself, he laughed, then stood and turned to Appa. He put his hand on the animal’s big nose and smiled. “Thanks,” he said, his voice low. “I guess I just miss her.”

At this, Appa let out a bellow and got to his feet. The great animal stretched its muscles out slowly and flexed its tail, the noise of it slapping against the ground spanning through the temple and the wind of it blowing the pile of rejected letters and drawings away. Then the bison turned his big brown eyes on Aang and tilted his head at him so that one horn was in reach.

Aang felt his heart within him leap and he found himself grinning widely in excitement. He scaled his friend’s shaggy head and grabbed the reins. “I’ll just tell her myself,” he said in agreement. “Yip yip!”

atla: other characters

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