Can't sleep...

May 17, 2012 01:19 I thought I'd post on LJ.

Whenever I have to be up early for a specific occasion and/or event, I find this very same problem occurs. I get into bed a little early with all good intentions to get a good night's sleep. Then what happens? I lie there, and lie there, and lie there...until I get annoyed and check Twitter, my emails, LJ, anything.

I need sleep. I WANT sleep. I love having enough, I hate not having enough. But my brain won't shut the hell up.

I decided to start thinking about those plastic cones they use for football(soccer) training and so instead of ignore it and go to sleep, I got on the Internet and found out where I can buy some. Then I emailed my Group Scout Leader and asked if I can have the £14.99 needed to purchase them.

As if playing cones and teacups with my Beaver Scouts is priority.

I hear my cat. Please let that mean he comes for a cuddle, now that's a way of getting to sleep...or not...noisy cat. But I'm a sucker for cuddles with my boycat.

Edit: looks like it was my girlcat, she doesn't do cuddles, too independent and gets annoyed easily. Where are you boycat? Why can't I find you? I want a cuddle nooooow.

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPad.

the woes of life, via ljapp

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