Dear new friends,

Jan 11, 2012 10:02

This is a small apology and a brief hello to any new friends out there.

I signed up to write holiday fics for people on my flist throughout January and due to December commitments I'm posting them this month instead. I've also signed up to a fanfic challenge in February too.

If you're not into fanfiction or the fandoms I post about then I'm sorry that the next two months will be filled with craziness.

I'm considering going down the creativity community route like so many others before me. Good idea? Maybe?

Anywho, onto me...

Welcome! You're here because (hopefully) you want to be here.

I'm a friendly person and I enjoy socialising with others online. I especially love to learn about how things are different in other countries.

I mostly post about:

1) my life, which at times isn't as good as I wish it would be, but I'm working on that and things are going well.
2) fanfiction/fanart
3) fandoms; mostly The Mentalist, Skins and Once Upon a Time.

I don't mind what you're into, I don't mind if you like the same things as me, as long as we respect each other and enjoy reading each others journals then I'm happy. I don't expect comments on everything but the odd ones would be nice/appreciated.

If you're new to my journal, feel free to come and say hi! :D

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.


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