Title: Next Time
Rating: PG
Pairing: Reid/Morgan
Spoilers/Warnings: None
Notes: Very short ficlet, written while I was waiting for the dentist to see me. The idea came to me last night while I was watching Memoriam ,and I was amazed with how patient Morgan was with Reid during the whole episode(Ups,that’s not a spoiler is it?). Unbetaed, so all concrit is welcome.
My first slash fic EVER .So please be nice :P
When he thinks about it, it is clear for him that Derek was right. And he’s been thinking about it for the past couple of hours.
He feels like the biggest cliché in the world sitting on this dirty bench, arms around his knees, pouring rain soaking him to the core.
Thinking that yes, as a matter of fact as Derek said, it was a stupid fight to begin with. He can’t even remember what it was about.But sometimes it is inevitable for Spencer to let out the petulant child he never had the chance to be, and scream and say hurtful things and slam the door as he goes out with no idea where to go.
It’s so funny, he has no idea where all that words came from, except, it’s not funny at all, because he knows is just a matter of time until everything change forever.
The thing is, there is only so much a person can take and even though Derek has the patience of a saint when it comes to Spencer, he is sure one day he will come back, and nobody is going to be there to let him in.
But he also knows that day is not going to be today. And as he walks back under the heavy rain, he smiles a little. Because he’s sure right now Derek is at home waiting for him with a soft towel and a cup of hot tea.
After that he will take him to bed, and he’s going to caress his hair as he soothes him to sleep.
And as he drifts out, Spencer will wonder if he’s going to be that lucky next time.