A quick update on things I did and things I started to do! I've only actually completed three things since the last update, but two of them took a lot of planning. Original list
4. Grow and eat a courgette.
Hoorah! I don't usually have much luck growing fruits and vegetables (or, indeed, any plant that isn't a potato), but courgettes turn out to be quite enthusiastic about life. I planted a couple of packets of seeds back in the spring, and after thinking about it for a while, they shot into life and turned into the most delightful seedlings, standing up tall and sturdy and growing new leaves every other day. Kevan dug them a bed in the garden and they all moved to live outside, and then some of them had babies which grew into proper courgettes! Whereupon we ate them. I had been warned that I would experience a glut and have way more courgettes than I could handle, but this hasn't really happened yet; besides, courgettes go in everything.
52. Go to Iceland with Kevan.
We went to Iceland! This time two weeks ago we were in Reykjavík, dodging the rain in the city museums! I'm really happy that this came about; we have been talking about Iceland since the beginning of our friendship proper, and that was nearly nine years ago. I've been quite a few times before, but it is always amazing, and it was ace to take Kevan with me and show him the moss and lava fields and the houses made of corrugated iron. We went on the coach tour to the waterfall and the geyser, and walked around Reykjavik a lot because it barely got dark, and went to the suburbs to look for elves. Best of all, we went to Thingvellir and looked at the crack in the earth between the two tectonic plates, and the law rock where parliament was held for centuries; I think it might be the best place in the world.
84. Perform in a musical group.
Well, the plan here was to join the choir at the vegan cafe in my neighbouring town, but the cafe has closed down and the choir is no more! So instead I reckon I've fulfilled this by doing a song with The Fallen Women, the very excellent all-female Fall covers band of
drummygirl and friends, who do Fall covers evenings where anyone in the audience can sign up to be Mark E. Smith and do a song. I did 'Free Range' because it's relatively easy and I've loved it since I was 14. I think my performance was pretty wooden, but no matter - I got to be in The Fall for three minutes, on stage at the Lexington! My teenage self was very impressed! And it was a lovely evening where I chatted to so many other nervous would-be Mark E. Smiths - "You were very good!" "No no, YOU were!" and we all got to dance to lots of awesome Fall songs.
17. Uncover the mysteries of Epsom.
Kevan and I went for a walk in the countryside and came across the Epsom Well, where Epsom Salts were discovered! This was all news to me, and I intend to return to Epsom and see what other secrets it's holding!
55. Meet up with four UK friends who live outside London.
I have been to visit Victoria in Oxford and Rachel in Nottingham, and had a lovely time all round. That was easy enough as they're always inviting me; now to persuade two other friends that they would also like me to visit them!
58. Play 101 (board) games.
I have played a grand total of 57 different games so far! I wrote this list before the Croydon board game cafe opened, and it's certainly helped me with my progress (though I do also live in a flat with a six-shelf Billy bookcase of games).
83. Read 10 books from the Classics section.
I've read five - thanks, teenage mentee whom I help with homework, for not wanting to read them yourself! So far my favourite was 'The Picture of Dorian Gray' and my least favourite was 'Frankenstein' (only because the monster was so great that it dragged for me whenever he wasn't around). What shall I read next?
85. Give blood 5 times.
Oh dear, I might not make it - I have been to the donor centre in Tooting four times since I wrote the list, but only managed to give blood successfully twice! Apparently my veins are rather small and the nurses can't always find them. I have no idea what to do about this! To make things worse, a nurse at my last appointment told me that my blood was always used for transfusions for babies - so now I have let down some sick children with my puny veins! I may as well take drugs and get tattoos! Sigh, well, maybe next time...
This entry was originally posted at